Animal Medicine

My ever-growing collection of Animal Medicines that greet me in the world.

Read them all from A-Z or intuitively choose who is speaking to you today!

Animal Medicine is the energy of a particular animal or an entire species. From that energy we can draw inspiration, direction, connection and insight. Just like plants have medicinal properties that nourish and heal, the animal kingdom offers that to us on an energetic level. We can draw from the wisdom and way of being of an animal’s medicine to inform our own journey of coming into balance and wholeness. 

Animal Medicine can appear to us in the form of a wild animal encounter or even a scene from a movie, signaling it is time to connect with the medicine of that animal. Or we simply sense when we need the medicine of a particular animal to help us remedy or navigate. 

Animal medicine reminds us of our power, in particular our power to balance our thoughts and physical bodies. For example, Wolf teaches of leadership and loyalty, while Snail teaches us of pace and detail. Koala embodies compassion and the art of receiving, while Jaguar helps us navigate the shadowy parts of the life journey. 

Everything on earth has a medicine to offer, including you!


Ant humbly embodies cooperation, and beckons us to follow suit. Small but mighty, Ant displays to us the beauty of working in harmony with one another and Mother Earth. No talent goes overlooked in Ant world, no detail dismissed. Ant suggests we zoom in to see a fuller picture of life, to know the value of each person as a creator soul.  Ant Medicine is a perfect addition to our pouch as we continue to build the infrastructure of the world we want to live in; societies based on love, cooperation and celebration of the individual becoming the whole.



Badger is emblematic of fortitude and a gatekeeper to the wisdom of medicinal plants. She helps us tend the sacred fire that burns within while reaching out to allies in various kingdoms. 

Badger digs beneath the surface where roots grow deep, reminding us of the foundation we have in one of our greatest instruments: knowingness. It takes some serious trust to navigate unfamiliar worlds in the dark where earthworms and mycelium talk through touch and pulse. We have much to learn from what Badger sees below as we acknowledge all the different ways of giving and receiving information and medicine. 

Badger asks us to remember and celebrate our relationships with non-human allies. To intuit who’s medicine may illuminate our next steps on the journey.



Barnacle reminds us of all the different ways of being and living upon earth. She weathers change with such grace; as the tide covers her, so it recedes and she is exposed to the air. Quiet yourself to hear the faint voice of Barnacle, center yourself to imagine the the joy of the water’s return washing over you. 


Have you been seeing signs of Bear lately? Is she coming to visit you in the dream world?

Bear represents abundance. Seek her out as you journey to strengthen your resolve and gain courage in the direction of your dreams; maybe you are in need of her mothering embrace. You can visualize Bear’s massive paws and wide arms lovingly enveloping your body and energy field. Seek Bear Medicine to be nurtured and nourished. She may ask you to rest, withdraw your energy from a situation or hibernate for a while.

Trust the wisdom of Bear, she speaks from the heart and has the advantage of seeing from treetops and mountain peaks. Hold the color amber in your mind’s eye and taste the sweetness of honey on your tongue. 



Chickadee is fierce and triumphant. Like the plants on which he relies, he sees himself as part of a whole, celebrating the blooming and the falling away; Chickadee perceives them as one in the same. 

Chickadee lives fast; wild and with a loving attention to detail. He has an adoration for the humans he often lives nearby. He hopes his birdsong enchants their lives as the song simultaneously works to balance the energy of Earth in ways we can feel better than we can describe. Thank you feisty/tender Chickadee for your service to this planet and your proximal love.



Crane exudes elegance. Her delicate nature is coupled with immense strength and confidence. Crane whispers gentle reminders on the wind to be our true selves, to stand firm in our truths. 

Patience is also a key attribute of Crane. Knowing when to move and allowing time for rest are powerful medicines she offers us. She is skillfully patient and has taught civilizations how effective it is. Energy is her currency. Intention is her way. She is mothering, yet firm. May she wrap you up in her wings today?  



Crow is an insistent reminder of magic. The magic within and without. The potential of each one of us a creator. Like Horse, Crow keeps us on our toes in creative and surprising ways. Together they form a chorus singing, ‘You mustn’t forget your ability to take flight at any moment.’ Crow is okay with the shadowy aspects of life, like Jaguar we can journey alongside him to feel comfortable in the mystery of life. Crow loves to swoop and collect, play with the strands of synchronicity that weave our world together. Crow enjoys jokes and wild displays that get out attention. Crows beckons us to feel safe on Earth. That this feeling of being unsafe was learned and is not inherent within us. 

‘Stretch your beautiful wings, humanity,’ says the Crow!


Dragonfly reminds us of magic, that it is available to us and we are comprised of it. Dragonfly beckons us to live on the wings of the moment. He reminds us that our humanness is necessary to take flight, in contrast to viewing it as some sort of impediment. Dragonfly loves the winds of change, and might even be ushering them in himself. Have fun getting ‘lost’ and adventuring with Dragonfly, he will show you how to live and receive with openness.



Duck reminds us of the sweetness of migration. Whether it be returning to family or a quest for nourishment, we have a companion in Duck. Her kind gaze encourages us to be confident in the journey while she swaddles us in her protective wings. Duck is at ease in both water and air, what an inspiring being!


Eagle assists us in the process of courageously bridging worlds, reconciling paradox and finding peace for deep wounds. The medicine of Eagle doesn’t always go down smooth, as it is a firm reminder to refine and transmute. Many flee when they see Eagle, as he is an force to reckon with. He moves with swiftness and intention. His energy reflects the protective love of Condor and the regenerative qualities of Phoenix, all swaddled in his own unique intensity. Eagle burns bright, assisting us in allowing our light to expand and radiate with more resolve.


Elephant reminds us of all the wonderful potential that dwells in the intersection of gentleness and fearlessness. If you feel isolated, or that your current path is too narrow, imagine journeying with the herd today. Seek the counsel of some of Earth’s most potent medicine carriers. Elephant rarely comes rushing, but he often appears softly and when you need him most.



Goose indicates to us abundance. She wraps us in nurturing wings and ensures us that we are protected. It is so refreshing to have a companion such as Goose. She is generally docile and sweet but fiercely protective of who she loves and admires. Goose helps us step into our own power and embrace what is uniquely ours. She settles disputes quickly so she may return to loving and stay there as often as possible. 



Great Blue Heron is a fearless leader and navigator. And a bit persnickety, too. Whether he be migrating or spending his days in the protected estuary, GBH teaches us to find comfort in our surroundings. As life continues to present experiences that direct and inform us, GBH asks us to clear our space of physical and emotional clutter so that we can feel, move and act unabated. Sometimes we will be asked to dive deep within, but the warm and protected water of the shallows are never far. Great Blue Heron finds a way in all his worlds; he has great vision in both the dark and the light. He is okay with a little awkwardness as he tends towards elegance. 


Hawk generously encourages as we navigate these beautiful lives on earth. Hawk reminds us to see our situations from above while maintaining a keen focus on what is unfolding below. Hawk balances both her worlds quite masterfully. 

You can imagine yourself as Hawk and your emotional response as Mouse. The detail Mouse reveals about how you feel is relevant, nourishing, vital. But it is one aspect of the whole you seek and view from above. What details are your emotions prompting you to examine today and how can you nurture yourself during that witnessing process?



Horse reminds us of our ability to take flight and move with intention. She nudges with her soft nose, asking us to live in the readiness of the moment, free and uninhibited. So we may simply know when the time is right to jump upon her back in the direction of our dreams. Horse has been helping humanity see potential and expand their horizons for as long as we can remember. From impressive civilizations to modest homesteaders, her medicine has been guiding us.


We are here to offer our assistance. It is our main service to humanity to guide you through the shadow realm. You will feel and experience a lot of things as you walk through this dark forest, but we hope to eliminate fear as you sense us and begin to see us walking on either side of you. This time is something no one is exempt from, but you do have free will on how gracefully you navigate. Invite us to walk with you. We can offer you great protection and wisdom if we have your consent. 


Koala has mastered the art of giving and receiving. It is increasingly important to align with this way of being as we move forward into an era of balance within ourselves, relationships and ecosystems. Koala is mostly independent, tending to the young and the eucalyptus. But they are willing to receive help if they realize circumstances are outside of their realm of influence, even from humans. 

Koala moves methodically enough to know himself, as well of the needs of this fellow plant and animal communities. He knows when to act, knows when to defend, but largely prefers his joyful service of being in the trees and receiving from time to time. 


Moose embodies a masculine energy; the ability to cut through barriers such as dense forest, but also energetic. Sort of akin to the sword of Archangel Michael or the sword in the stone. It is a piercing power to be used wisely and for good. An opportunity to continue cutting cords from the past (and future!) to be more present in the now. The Moose call transcends fear and lives in a state of perpetual knowingness. It penetrates darkness, distance and environmental factors (fog, pollutions, walls, etc.) to reveal the truth waiting beneath, finally ready to be immersed in the light. If you hear Moose calling, it is a call to action. 



Octopus is otherworldly. She ignites a flame in us, a realization that things aren’t always what they appear. Just a glance from Octopus and one is elevated into a deeper awareness of intelligence and technology. 

Octopus reminds us that we contain a lot more potential than we realize, that our reality is indeed more flexible than we were taught. Seek Octopus as you journey towards more adaptability, flexibility and love. 



Otter and her medicine assist us in relaxing our whole body and nervous system. She encourages a relaxation back into the feminine aspects of ourselves that flow, receive, allow and trust. Because Otter acknowledges the whole of ourselves, the process of returning to balance feels supportive. She is here to witness our light and shadow, to embrace our inner child whilst sitting to tea with our elder self. Imagine dear Otter curling up at your feet, listening to your stories of growth, grief and transcendence. Watch her fur respond to these watery tides of feeling and her frame enjoy the current you create.



Porcupine strategically employs her defenses. The quills that protect are equally her beautiful adornment. They also act as sensory receptors, pulling in information and data from her environment and beyond. 

Porcupine is big-hearted in nature. If you mean no harm and approach with an open energy, you will be received warmly and the wonders of her love shall be revealed to you. Her soft, delicate body is protected. The clever design is indicative of her own cleverness. Don’t be deterred by a prickly exterior, treasures dwell beneath. Porcupine teaches us to create stronger boundaries that protect one of our greatest assets: sensitivity. 



Raccoon reveals to us what is hiding in plain sight, and more importantly, how to make use of these new recourses and information. We humans have become accustomed to selective seeing, but Raccoon’s night vision illuminates the darkness so we may see the whole. It may be jarring at first, but she is with us every step of the way (along with Jaguar) as we slowly mend what we have left to the shadows. Raccoon is sensitive to strong smells and loud sounds, honoring her desire to retreat if an environment no longer feels hospitable. 



Raven strikes a deep cord within that reverberates without in all directions. Raven reminds us of our purpose in one glance, that we are a part of something much more expansive than we previously realized. She is here to illuminate our next step by gently positioning our shoulders in the direction we should confidently walk.  

The sound of Raven is a guttural call to action. Allow her ancient voice to inform your modern movement. Find the balance between between earth and air with her assistance. You also are comprised of both, and many other elements waiting to be awoken from their dormancy. 


Seagull is a protector. He monitors the coasts, surveying from above while also noticing at the ground level. He helps to balance the energies where land and sea meet along with other shore birds and animals that enjoy both land and water. 

Seagull acts as a potent mirror for humanity. They adopt behaviors and adapt to humans’ relationship to the coast and its delicate ecosystems. Seagulls are quirky on land and elegant in flight. We can see so much of ourselves in them. 



Squirrel medicine conveys a humble strength. They embody the balance resulting from carving plenty of time for both gathering and recreation. Squirrel teaches us how to store, but not hoard. That the overflow of what we gather in joyful service seeds a future forest that provides for all. 

He says to us today, ‘May your work be joyful and there be time shaped for play. You only have to carry one acorn at a time. Give yourself permission to consider simply the next step. There you will find the beauty of a moment, that there is nothing but the moment. And that the future is comprised of moments well lived, so don’t fret. Store up within your world the good energy of acorn, brimming with infinite potential.’



Starfish can be quite inconspicuous as she blends into her environment and appears docile in nature. But once noticed, one is struck with immediate intrigue. Why is she that shape and what does it mean? What animates her as she lays reverently upon the ocean floor? 

Starfish represents mystery, the unknown, the path of the mystic journeying above, below and within. Even her name implies something so cosmic and untouchable, and yet she is neither star, nor fish. She is her own quiet, her own version of inspiring. She is a feeling. 


Tortoise shows us how to always feel comfortable and at home, no matter where we roam. The shell on her back reminds us of the inner worlds we contain. That creation is a patient process and rest is as important as effort. 

Tortoise asks us to fall deeply in love with pace. Visualize Tortoise slowly chewing leafy greens when you feel overwhelmed.



Turtle offers such perfectly timed medicine: Turtle tells us that we are always at home, that our pace is just fine and asks us to come as we are. That it is completely okay to tuck inside our shell when necessary. Turtle helps us develop a healthy relationship to our environment and energetic needs. 

Turtle asks us to resist feelings of lack. That we have the power to access what we need with a renewed perspective. That what we are seeking is seeking us, and right beneath our noses when we see through the lens of gratitude. He says that the next step becomes quite apparent as we build from this foundation of gratitude. 

Turtle recommends focusing on the pattern of his shell as a meditative exercise. Hold his shell in your mind’s eye to dispel fear, lack and envy as you get lost in the pattern. Turtle reminds us we are right we are supposed to be: home.



Whale is with us even when we don’t recognize her presence. She assists in connecting the energy within us to the energetic grids of earth. She insists that it is time for us to recognize our deep desire to harmonize with the beings, systems and spaces of the planet we share. To recognize our humanness and simultaneous infinite selves. 

Whale initiates us into all phases of the journey, offering support and unconditional love. We can look to her for guidance and to access ancient wisdom ready to re-emerge through us as we ripen. 



Wolf embodies leadership. She asks us to step into a role of leadership, no matter how big or small the platform. She might be encouraging you to take that big leap of faith or simply release a thought that doesn’t serve you. We daily have opportunities to lead by example, and she teaches us how to do so energetically. It is important to groom our energy and maintain an openness to giving and receiving within our communities while also having strong boundaries of protection in place for ourselves and the pack. 

Wolf is successful as a leader because all she represents is conveyed in one glance. No one questions Wolf. She doesn’t have to make big gestures or use cunning techniques, her energy speaks on her behalf. We just feel her presence and know what she represents. What inspiring alchemy!